Model Railroading

No matter your scale, we’re your model railroad destination.
No matter what scale or era of model railroading you are interested in, we can help. Each Rider’s store carries a wide selection from N scale to G gauge. We’ve got complete sets to help you get started as well as locomotives, rolling stock, track, buildings, scenery, vehicles, and all kinds of detail parts and accessories to make your model railroad layout look like the real thing.
To make it operate more like the real thing, we stock analog power packs as well as DCC control systems, plus a full range of decoders and supplies. We also carry a large selection of how to books, as well as videos and magazines covering both prototype and model railroading. We also offer repair and DCC installation services.
Stop in and check out the myriad of options available at Rider’s Hobby Shop and say hello to our friendly staff. We love to talk trains, any kind, any time.
Rider’s carries a wide range of products from many dozens of manufacturers. See below for a partial list of the lines we stock or can order for you.
- Accurail
- A-Line
- Athearn
- Atlas Model Railroad Co.
- Bachmann Trains
- Berkshire Junction Model Railroad Supplies
- Blair Line LLC
- Bluford Shops
- Bowser Trains
- Branchline Trains
- Brekina Models
- Broadway Limited Imports
- Busch
- Cannon & Company
- Central Valley Model Works
- Chooch Enterprises
- Classic Metal Works
- Details West
- Digitrax
- Downtown Deco
- Faller
- Four Ways West Publications
- Fox Valley Models
- GHQ Models
- Grand Central Gems
- Herpa
- Hornby
- InterMountain Railway Co.
- JL Innovative Design
- JTT Microscale
- Kadee
- Kalmbach Publications
- Kato USA
- Laser Kit (American Model Builders)
- Lionel Trains
- Micro-Trains Line
- Miniatronics
- Model Power
- Model Rectifier Corporation
- Morning Sun Books
- MTH Electric Trains
- Northeastern Scale Lumber
- Oxford Diecast
- PecoModels
- Plano Model Products
- Scale Trains
- Schuco
- Soundtraxx
- Sylvan Scale Models
- Tangent Scale Models
- Tichy Train Group
- Timberline Scenery
- Tomar Industries
- Trident Miniatures
- Walthers
- White River Productions
- Woodland Scenics
Visit us at one of our two great locations!
Whether you're closer to Flint or Grand Rapids, either of our fine locations will have everything you need to pursue all your hobby passions.
Looking for something in particular?
If we don't have what you're looking for, as long as it's available from the manufacturer, we're happy to order it for you.